25 Church Street
Cooperstown, NY 13326

Serving Otsego County since 1977

The mission of the Cooperstown Food Pantry is to address issues of poverty and hunger in Otsego County.

The Cooperstown Food Pantry is a
501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.

The Cooperstown Food Pantry exists due to the
generous support of our community.

Donating money is the most effective way to help. We can make your dollar go a long way!

Make a Financial Contribution

If you would like to arrange for an automatic recurring donation,  please click here.

All donations to the Cooperstown Food Pantry, Inc. are tax deductible. Please make checks payable to the Cooperstown Food Pantry, and mail to us at 25 Church Street, Cooperstown, NY 13326 or donate online using the Donate Button below.


As members of Feeding America, the largest hunger relief organization in the country, we have access to a wide variety of products. About 80% of our monthly distribution is comprised of purchased goods through the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York.

Feeding America estimates that we purchase about $10 worth of items for every dollar that we spend as a member of our regional food bank. 

We accept contributions of all sizes on an ongoing basis, by mail with a check, and via drop off at the Food Pantry offices.

Cooperstown EMS Annual Food Drive

Donate Food

Food drives of any size are always appreciated. If you would like to make a food donation, please drop it off at the during our operating hours. If you have a large donation, please call ahead at (607) 547-8902.

Click Here to View Healthy Food Drive Ideas


Adopt-a-Food-Pantry-Program allows donors to give to the Regional Food Bank, but direct their dollars to specific feeding programs. To learn more call 518-786-3691 or go to  www.regionalfoodbank.net.

Donations made via this program need to coordinated by phone or email with the Regional Food Bank to ensure your donation is directed to The Cooperstown Food Pantry.

Fundraisers to Benefit the Cooperstown Food Pantry

We are the grateful recipients of several fundraisers held for our benefit every year.  While we do not sponsor events ourselves, we are happy to promote them on our website.  Please contact us for further details.

The link below provides some good ideas on hosting a fundraiser.

Share our information on social media

Simply sharing our information to your page helps us get the word out to so many about our work! Visit us on facebook https://www.facebook.com/CooperstownFoodPantry/  and share our information with your contacts. Help us get the word out!


Become a Cooperstown Food Pantry Volunteer

The Cooperstown Food Pantry operates primarily with the support of volunteers. It consists of an executive director, a 15 member Oversight and Advisory Board, and over 130 dedicated, active volunteers.

Fresh Recovery Team Leaders and Groups are needed to help coordinate and oversee the intake of upwards of 50,000 pounds of food per year. Some of this is donated by our local Price Chopper grocery stores.

Volunteers at the Pantry

Most volunteers work a scheduled weekly 3-hour or 4-hour shift, or they become part of our substitute pool which fills open shifts as needed.
More helping hands are always needed and welcome! Please contact us by email at director@cooperstownfoodpantry.org or by phone 607-547-8902.

In addition to working directly with clients, help is needed working with the following committees that allow us to function as an organization.

  • Produce Team: Team Leader needed, pickup, deliver, organizes, wraps, and stores the fresh produce that comes in from Cooperstown and Richfield Springs Price Choppers.
  • BackPack Team: works with the Regional Food Bank, Leo Club and CCS to implement the program.
  • Auditing and Finance Committee: receives, records, and deposits income; pays bills and maintains financial records.
  • Volunteer Team: organizes the volunteer schedule, schedules substitute volunteers, maintains the volunteer master list
  • Facilities Committee: coordinates the upkeep and renovation of our building, furnishings and appliances.
  • Public Relations Committee: assist, organize, and/or create public relation events, media, newsletters necessary to spread information pertaining to the pantries efforts and initiatives.

Help with Delivery Day


About 80% of what we distribute we purchase through Feeding America from The Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York in Latham. Once a month an average of 8 tons is delivered to a regional drop site in Cooperstown. A small army of volunteers picks up, organizes, delivers, and stocks over 500 cases of food and other items.

Deliveries always take place on Thursday mornings.*   Help on delivery day is always needed.
If you’d like to lend a hand, please contact us at: 607-547-8902 or email at subcfp@gmail.com. 

*to ensure the safety of our clients and volunteers, we will open at 1:00pm on delivery days.