The EMPTY BOWLS PROJECT began in the early 1990’s by a group of potters who wanted to raise money for their local food bank and soup kitchen. The concept spread across the country.
300 guests turned out to support the 14th annual Empty Bowls Luncheon on Saturday, March 7th. Christ Episcopal Church again welcomed the event with open arms and capable hands courtesy of Mike Page.
We appreciate the generous support of our corporate sponsors: Bieritz Insurance, and NYCM Insurance.
Thank you to the Smithy Clay Studio and many of its potters for creating our one of a kind hand thrown soup bowls.
More than 30 individuals and restaurants provided the delicious soups and breads, while 40 volunteers ensured that the day ran smoothly. Our deepest thanks to all who helped make this event such a tremendous success, including soup makers: Alex’s World Bistro, Bocca Osteria, The Cooperstown Diner, Council Rock Brewery, Doubleday Cafe, L.M. Townsend Catering, Mel’s at 22, Nicoletta’s Cafe, Origins Cafe, The Otesaga Hotel, Keith Additon, Carrie Carney, Jay Bosley, Kitty Brennan, and Lang Keith. Our bread bakers: Danny’s Market, Karen Streck, Mickie Richtsmeier, Peg Quinn, Maureen Murray and a special thank you to the Cooperstown Central School bread bakers. Thank you to our raffle donors: Stagecoach Coffee, Karen Katz Studio, Lobes of Leather, Eileen Anania, Adam Jennett, May Britt-Joyce, Donna Bailey Mackie, Amanda Chase, and Lynn Wassel.
The list of selfless individuals who donated their time and talents is lengthy, and includes many of your friends and neighbors. Together, we generated over $6,500 for the Cooperstown Food Pantry that serves Northern Otsego County. We look forward to a day when there are no more “empty bowls.”
Kathy Chase
Empty Bowls Coordinator